Allergic Sinus
Allergies of any kind are a distressing problem to many people every year.
These can appear as hayfever either in late winter/spring when pine pollens can affect many people or over summer when pollens of many different sorts abound.
The action of Evening primrose Oil is to act as a mild anti-inflammatory, therefore where the problem is relatively mild, I find that Evening Primrose oil can help relieve much of the congestion in the facial sinuses. Evening Primrose Oil does need to be taken in sufficient quantity, usually 3000 mg at least twice daily.
If the situation is quite severe, then I find that Quercetin plus bio-flavoniods work very well. The dosage needs to be about 500 mg two to three times daily. Quercetin works by inhibiting histamine release. It is also anti-inflammatory and anti-viral.
This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment