Cytomegalovirus (or CMV)

Cytomegalovirus (or CMV) is a member of the herpes group of viruses and unfortunately like any member of this group has the ability to remain latent in the body.
It can and will return at any time the body becomes tired, strained, stressed or undernourished, in the same way as herpes simplex will repeatedly cause ‘cold sores’ or herpes zoster can reactivate as shingles.
Your best defence is your body’s own defence system in better shape.
See page on Cold sores.

Minerals are important especially Zinc, Magnesium and Selenium. However I
would recommend taking Colloidal minerals as they generally supply good amounts of all necessary minerals.
See page on ‘Minerals – facts’ and ‘Minerals – why we need to supplement’.

Lysine can help stop viruses replicating and is an excellent defence.
Take 500mg daily or 1000mg if the virus is active i.e. when there are detectable symptoms.

Vitamin C is useful but needs to be taken in large amounts to be effective against a herpes type infection. Take 2000-10,000mg daily.

All B vitamins are necessary to support the immune system as is Vitamin A and should be taken daily.   Vitamin A often also needs reasonably high amounts to be effective against viruses. Be careful to only take low amounts if you are pregnant.
Often extra Vitamin B12 is necessary and is best taken separately on an empty stomach to aid absorption. See page on Vitamin B12.

Many herbs are also extremely useful in boosting the immune system.
Saint John’s Wort and Lemon balm (Melissa offifinalis) have a mode of action that can be quite specific against herpes viruses.

Other very useful herbs for any viral infection are Echinacea, Astragalus, Phyllanthus and Reishi mushroom.

In the case of CMV I would also recommend the use of ‘liver’ herbals such as St Mary’s Thistle, Globe artichoke and Dandelion root, as CMV can affect the liver.
These can be mixed together as fluid extract  and taken at a dose of 3-5 ml twice daily.
Contact us if you wish to order herbs.

Do not under estimate viruses of this type. Be sure to avoid over-work and
excess stress of any kind and make sure you eat and sleep regularly. The body is
capable of keeping these nasties under control but you need to look after your

Up-dated July 2015