
Sardcoidosis is a chronic, multi-system disorder. Its first manifestation is an accumulation of mononuclear inflammatory cells in affected organs.

The lung is the main organ affected but other organs such as the eyes, skin, lymph nodes, heart, liver, kidney and spleen can also be affected.

The inflammatory process is followed by the formation of ‘granulomas’.
Sarcoidosis can result in organ dysfunction as the accumulated inflammatory cells can distort the architecture of the affected tisues and, if sufficient tissue is involved, the disease will become clinically apparent.

The cause of the disease is unknown but it is likely that it results from abnormal immune response and the possible causes of this are huge, ranging from viral infection, chemical toxicity or vaccination response to an inherited disorder.

Therapy usually revolves around reducing the inflammation (hence the use of steroids in many cases).

However alternative therapies would be more likely to work at improving the immune system.

Anti-inflammatory agents such as Organic Evening primrose oil, Quercetin and other antioxidants should help.

Also minerals and herbs that are known to have to have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Echinacea, Astragalus, Phyllanthus and Withania and also rye grass extract come to mind.

Minerals would need to be supplemented to be of sufficient levels to help heal the body. See page on ‘Minerals – facts’ and ‘Minerals – why we need to supplement’.

See page on ‘ Rheumatoid Arthritis’ as this gives a good synopsis on methods available to improve the immune status and to reduce pain.