I have had over time a number of requests for information on how to further help stroke victims. Sometimes this comes directly from the person who has suffered the stroke, more often from the person caring for the stroke victim.
The person who has suffered the stroke is usually undergoing rehabilitation with physiotherapists but often hasn’t been given any information as to whether there are any natural supplements that may also help them.
I don’t see many stroke victims in my clinic, mainly I think because of the problems with transport. However those I have seen I have noticed often are suffering malnutrition and in some cases, especially in elderly people, I suspect this was the case prior to their
Foods such as oily fish and fish oils, minerals such as magnesium and potassium have a huge part to play in the prevention of stroke and are very often deficient in the diet.
Also a high intake of antioxidants have been associated with a lower incidence of stroke. Green tea, Ginkgo biloba, Vitamin E, grape seed extract, olives and lots of fruit and veges all come into this bracket. As oxidative damage will continue for a long period after a stroke these need to be considered long term.
Once a stroke has occurred, if these nutrients aren’t already being supplemented then start to do so. You do not want to suffer a second time!
However once a stroke has occurred, then damage has already occurred. A person’s progress after this will depend on how much damage has been done and exactly where.
The person is often extremely tired which can be from poor circulation and/or from
the extra effort required in order to do even small activities.
Preparing food can become a chore and in many cases difficulty chewing food is a problem. It can help if friends can help prepare easy eat/digest type foods.
Try and include as much vegetable as possible particularly cruciferous veges (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower etc).
Here some other suggestions that may help.
Firstly, that people obtain Vitamin B12. This can be in the form of injections from a GP or as sublingual tablets. Vitamin B12 has been known to greatly support the nervous system in its recovery after a stroke. You may also notice an improvement in energy levels.
Best combined with Vitamin B complex.
See page on Vitamin B12.
In some cases the extra addition of a small amount of iodine can also help.
Energy levels and indeed overall recovery would always be greatly improved if all minerals were supplemented, rather than just magnesium. This would be easiest to do in liquid form as in Colloidal minerals.
See page on Minerals – why we need to supplement.
Continue to supplement with fish oils or flaxseed oil and include as much oily fish into the diet as possible.
Decrease saturated fats (as found in meat and dairy products ) and trans-fatty acids (such as found in margarine, processed and baked goods).
Co enzyme Q10 is also a supplement that can greatly support the overall functioning of the heart and may be worth trying.
See page on Co enzyme Q10.
Ginkgo Biloba is also worth adding to the list of worth-while supplements. It has been shown to improve blood vessel health and also to help stop clots forming. There is research now that indicates that Ginkgo Biloba does not cause excessive bleeding as it was once thought it might.
Limit alcohol intake.
Always try and obtain as much massage treatment as you can afford. Try and make it the kind that incorporates lots of stretching and movement, not just a ‘feel good’ type massage. The muscles need to kept as free and as supple as possible.
Always exercise as much as is possible, for the same reason.
Do not just wait for ‘physio’ days.