Chemotherapy – nutritional guidelines

Chemotherapy kills or damages all rapidly dividing cells in the body.
Make sure that you are well informed before undergoing this type of therapy.
Ask will it change and/or improve your long term prognosis and what will be the
benefits? Will they outweigh the risks involved?

Know that approximately 80% of cancer deaths are due to metastasis rather
than the primary tumour. The cancer cell can be influenced by certain conditions
that allow this to happen. Conditions such as inflammation, infection,
immune-suppression, impaired tissue oxygenation, trauma, stress and nutritional

If you choose chemotherapy the following gives some guidelines as to
how you can help your body during this process

Support your immune system:
-Avoid all added sugars.
-Take extra minerals. (i.e.) Colloidal minerals 10-15ml daily plus 1-2 drops of extra Selenium
– Take extra vitamins B.
-Take extra vitamins A, C and E – all are anti-oxidants & can reduce the risk of radiation or chemically induced cancers.
-Take Quercetin – anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, aids lymphatic drainage, anti -viral.
– Take extra Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oils).
– Use herbs such as Turmeric, Echinacea, Garlic, Astragalus, Andrographis, and Shitake and Reishi Mushroom.
– Siberian Ginseng – good herb for strengthening the body
– Be positive and laugh more.
– Buy as much organic produce as you can find – you do not want any extra poisons entering the body.
-Use organic juices.
-Use natural, chemical free body products.

Support your liver:
– Avoid all alcohol
-Take herbs such as St. Mary’s Thistle, Schisandra, Dandelion Root, and Globe Artichoke.
(St. Mary’s Thistle is a wonderful protector &  regenerator of liver tissue).

Support your gastrointestinal system:
– Eat heaps of yoghurt!
– Use Colostrum powder – helps improve the immunoglobulin status of the gut
– Take slippery elm powder – ½ tsp in yoghurt 3 times daily.

For nausea and vomiting:
– Yoghurt
– Ginger tea
– Homeobotanical remedy ‘Emeta’.

For Thrush:
– Yoghurt
– Use herbs such as Pau D’arco and Horopito internally and as a wash. These can work extremely well if used on a tampon (3-4 drops) and inserted vaginally.
– Use Kolorex intimate cream (contains Horopito herb).

For Sores:
– Comfrey, Calendula or Hypericum ointments .
– Golden Seal, Propolis and/or Iodine applied externally.

For Hair Loss:
– Keep mineral levels as high as possible.
– Always take Colloidal minerals daily.
See page on ‘Minerals – the facts’ and ‘Minerals – why we need to supplement’.
– Nettle is often recommended as it contains high mineral levels.

If using Tamoxifen:
This drug works as an anti-oestrogen.
It is known to increase the rates of uterine cancer, uterine cysts, liver cancer
and blood clots.
If choosing to use this drug be sure to support the liver. See page on ‘Liver – the facts’