Blood shot eyes

Two very obvious reasons for blood shot eyes are excessive drinking or smoking, but if neither of these are contributing to the problem then other reasons can be:
allergies to airborne irritants (although the eyes are usually itchy and watery as well in this case),
– eyestrain and/or fatigue.
– Sometimes an inability to digest protein efficiently over a long period, can lead to amino-acid deficiencies.  These in turn have been known to contribute to reddened eyes.
– Another, not uncommon reason is a deficiency of vitamin B2 (riboflavin). If
this is the cause then a simple supplement of Vitamin B2 taken daily in conjunction with a vitamin B complex tablet will correct the problem.
See also page on ‘Cracks at the Corner of the Mouth’.

Irritation from airborne irritants can be alleviated, but obviously not
eliminated, by the use of Quercetin, which will reduce histamine reaction to allergies and also reduce inflammation. I have seen very good improvement to eye inflammatory conditions with the use a well tolerated product that contains 500mg of Quercetin plus other bioflavonoids.

Evening primrose oil can also help reduce redness.
Go to on-line shop for Quercetin or Evening primrose oil

Eyestrain can be eased by making sure to look away into the distance
regularly (as in every 10-15minutes) whenever doing close work. However, it is a
good idea if strain continues to pay a visit to a good Optician!

If fatigue is possibly a cause then you must take steps to alleviate it!
Get some good quality rest and extra quality sleep.

Blood platelets

Platelets are disc-shaped structures in the blood that can also be called
thrombocytes. They are formed in the red bone marrow and prevent fluid (blood)
loss by initiating a chain of events that result in blood clotting.

The normal platelet count is between 150,000 – 400,000 per cubic millimetre.
A low count would be 100,000 – 150,000 pcm but often counts are not considered
serious until they drop to 50,000 pcm or below.
The average life span of a platelet in the blood is approximately 10 days,
therefore a low platelet count needs to be monitored frequently to gauge the
seriousness of a low count or to gauge an improvement Many situations will
resolve themselves naturally but a persistently low count needs to be looked
into more thoroughly.

Many factors can influence an individual’s platelet count. Factors that
need to be considered are the use of some drugs, quinine or quinidine being the
most common culprits but also chemotherapy drugs, diuretics, anti-seizure and
some antibiotic medications. Certain viral infections, heavy alcohol use,
deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid, kidney failure, bone marrow failure or
abnormal production of antibodies such as in Rheumatoid arthritis or other auto
immune diseases.

The main effect of a low platelet count is an increased risk of bleeding.

When haemorrhage is a possibility then transfusion with platelet
concentrates is required, but where there is no major haemorrhage the treatment
is aimed at correcting the suspected cause of the low platelet count. If you
suspect that medication you are on may be having an effect, ask your GP for more
information.  If viral infection is suspected then there is no orthodox
treatment but herbal treatments work extremely well.

Some cases of low platelet count have been seen to increase markedly when
people supplement their diet with Barley Grass powder or capsules (two teaspoons
or at least six capsules daily). This could have been due to a boost in the
general health of the patients concerned but possibly also to an increase in
Vitamin B12. See page on ‘Vitamin B12’.

I have also seen great results in increasing platelet counts with continued use of colostrum. This was a specific Colostrum with added immune enhancing components.
Contact us for more information.

Blood Clots – avoiding

There are a number of dietary and herbal methods of improving blood flow but few can actually be said to dissolve blood clots. However, the proteolytic enzyme Bromelain has been shown to do this. In doing so it also reduces blood cell clumping and improves the circulation through the blood vessels. Bromelain is found in pineapples and in many food enzyme supplements.

Some studies have been done on an enzyme called Nattokinase, a potent fibrinolytic enzyme that reduces the build up of fibrin and actively aids in the break up or dissolution of fibrin clots. It is extracted and purified from natto, which is a traditional Japanese fermented soybean food. The enzyme is produced during the natural fermentation process when the beneficial bacteria ‘bacillus natto’ acts on the boiled soybean. Some of the studies show encouraging results.

Alternatively there are herbs such as cayenne, garlic, onions, ginger, paprika and turmeric can help prevent platelet aggregation (i.e. clumping) which causes clots to form.
These can be added to the diet or taken as supplements.
Antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, Quercetin, Zinc and Grapeseed also have this effect.

All regimes should be used very carefully and under supervision if the patient is already on blood thinning drugs. Be sure to tell your GP, so that regular checks can be made on platelet aggregation.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment

Salt: Table vs Celtic and other natural salts.

Salt is a dietary mineral that is essential for animal life, one of the most
basic tastes and an important food preservative.
Salt is involved in regulating the water content of the body.
Salt cravings can be caused by trace mineral deficiencies in the body, as well as a deficiency of salt itself.
For this reason it is always better to use a natural sea salt rather than refined salt.
To my understanding there are little or no other elements in refined table salt apart from sodium chloride (NaCl) and free flow agents that are added to help prevent the salt clumping. It has also been bleached to give a nice white appearance.

Iodised table salt contains sodium chloride (NaCI) and has a little Iodine added to
help overcome the deficiency of iodine in most New Zealander’s diets.

Celtic salt, however is not white and is not dry and free flowing. This is because it contains many more minerals than just sodium chloride. Sources say that all 84 known elements found in sea water are also found in Celtic salt.
Celtic salt sold in New Zealand (‘Salt of the Earth’) comes from the south of France and the term ‘Celtic’ refers to the method by which it is harvested.
In the Celtic method, sea water is channelled into clay ponds (as opposed to concrete ponds), slowly stirred and harvested by hand using wooden tools. It is naturally dried by wind and sun. No artificial heat, chemicals or preservatives are used. It appears moist because the magnesium present absorbs water.

There are other natural salts that have different mineralities which give each one a different colour and different taste. Natural sea salt can even vary from region to

Himalayan salt is another natural salt, this time a fossil marine salt containing a huge amount of trace elements mined in the mountains of Himalaya. It is a lovely pinkish colour with a great taste.

AS well as being an original method of preservation and flavouring, salt can also be diluted as saline, and used as an antibiotic.
I have often used saline as a mouthwash and to heal mouth ulcers. About 1/2tsp to half a cup of boiled water will do nicely.
As with many things though, if used too heavily or inappropriately it can be harmful.




Autism is a developmental disorder characterised by disturbance in language,
perception and socialisation. There is a failure to relate to people and
situations and the person appears to have difficulty making sense of incoming
information. There may be a tendency to repetitious movement (rocking or
clapping for example) or an inappropriate focus on detail. There can be
withdrawal from a world that appears frightening or unreasonable tantrums.

Although autism appears to have some genetic links there is recent evidence
to suggest that this may be triggered by some type of environmental influence,
which could possibly be either a cerebral allergic reaction or a chemical sensitivity that impairs brain metabolism.

Studies have shown that children with autism have low levels of Glutathione which researchers attribute to abnormalities in their methionine pathway.
Glutathione plays a key role in detoxification, having the ability to bind to heavy metals and other toxins through its sulphur molecules, thereby providing the means for the body to eliminate these toxins.
Having a deficiency of glutathione is a precursor for one’s inability to effectively excrete mercury, aluminium, and pesticides from the body.
A deficiency of glutathione is first noticed in the nervous system with a lack of co-ordination, tremors, mental disorders, and body balance, all caused by lesions in the brain.
See page on Glutathione.

Taurine has also been found to be the most depleted amino acid in the urine of Autistic children.

It has also been hypothesised that incomplete digestion of casein in milk
products and gluten in wheat products may result in the formation of proteins
fragments (ezophins) that may mimic opiate (like hormones and neurotransmitters
used by the brain) resulting in a scrambling of sensory input and processing.

I have been asked where the connection between autism and the hormone secretin occurs, and whether supplementation with secretin would help someone with Autism.
Secretin is hormone produced by the duodenum and jejunum portions of the
intestine when acidic chyme (partially digested food) enters the intestine. It
stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juices. If the stomach is not able to
acidify food sufficiently to stimulate the production of secretin then the maldigestion of proteins can occur. I presume this is where the connection could occur.

I know of no natural product in which secretin is specifically found, my suggestion would be to use a food enzyme product that contains pancreatic enzymes (protease, amylase, lipase).
I usually recommend a product which is entirely plant derived, contains an effective amount of digestive enzymes and are extremely well tolerated.

It would also be appropriate to check for :
– food intolerances, both dairy and gluten. Remove from the diet OR use food enzymes as mentioned above if food intolerances are suspected.
– improve liver detoxification. Glutathione could be appropriate here.
– increase anti-oxidant intake. NADH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinuclotide) is known to help brain activity.
– try supplements that increase brain energy.  Co enzyme Q10 may help here.
All the above are available on the on-line shop.

I have had reports back from parents of Autistic children that supplementing with Colloidal minerals has helped their child’s interaction with other people.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/ADD

Attention deficit disorder (ADD )is characterised by inappropriately short attention spans and impulsivity which may or may not be also associated with hyperactivity (ADHD).

Natural treatments traditionally have revolved around removing all additives, sugars and refined foods from the diet, using antioxidants to help remove any pollutants from the body, supplementing with B Vitamins and extra minerals, taking Evening Primrose Oil and using calming herbals such as Valerian, Chamomile and Passiflora.
All have proved beneficial to varying degrees.

Evening Primrose oil in the form of Efalex is the only ‘proven’ natural alternative to Ritalin that studies have been carried out on. Efalex has also proven to be an effective treatment for Dyslexia.

Including more oily fish in the diet or supplementing with fish oils, such as halibut, has brought about beneficial changes in many children. Especially when dealing with poor concentration.

Spirulina at times has been reported to help ADD sufferers. I would presume that this works through it imparting a higher level of nutrition and proteins to the brain.

Diet is worth looking at first of all, as many parents just do not realise the implications of a diet high in sugars and refined foods.
Studies have shown conclusively that poor diets relate directly to aggressive,
anti-social behaviour and to mood changes. Many times I have seen wonderful
changes in children’s behaviour when given an improved diet.
See page on ‘Diet & Healthy eating’

One of the major minerals involved in treating ADD is magnesium, as this mineral has been shown to reduce neuronal excitability, and therefore reduces nervous and muscular tension. Personally I feel that all mineral levels need to be addressed, as all work together in order for the body to function normally.
Zinc, for example has a lot to do with appetite as well as keeping moods well balanced. Colloidal mineral supplements used daily, are a wonderful way of getting a full spectrum of minerals.
They are also very easy to give to children, as they can be diluted with water or dilute fruit juice.
See pages on ‘Minerals-Facts’ and Minerals-Why we need to supplement’

Ginkgo and Saint John’s Wort
are two other possibly beneficial herbals to use as they both function as monoamine inhibitors. That means that they enhance the effect of neurotransmitters like Dopamine and it is possible that they may improve the brain function of ADD sufferers.

To find information on increasing Dopamine in the body you usually have to look towards studies and information on Parkinson’s disease as this is where this type of treatment has been focussed.

There is a co-enzyme called Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, known
as NADH,
that has been used successfully to increase the Dopamine levels in the brain of people with Parkinson’s and Alzheimers diseases. I personally have seen improvement in patients with Parkinsons using this co-enzyme, but have not tried it on children with ADD, so cannot comment on this course of treatment, however I feel that it certainly would be worth trying.

The results obtained in Parkinsons patients tends to be dose dependent (the effectiveness depending on the amount given and the severity of the condition) so I imagine that it could be the same with ADD patients. Also, as NADH is a co-enzyme in a chain reaction that involves Tyrosine you also often need to supplement with Tyrosine to make sure that all components are present.
Go to the On-line shop to order ENADA

Artificial sweeteners.

There is a lot of conjecture surrounding the use of artificial sweeteners.
Many people use them without giving them a second thought. They are in a huge
number of products; all those that are labelled ‘diet’ or ‘slimmers’ and many,
many others.

However the use of these products is worrying. The list of symptoms that it
has been suggested that their use can cause is amazingly long. Many symptoms are
subtle so you can often not be sure. However I have seen definite symptoms of
muscle spasm and joint pain, severe stomach pain and cramping, nausea and a feeling of ‘unwellness’, depression and anxiety attacks dramatically improve once the use of these products was stopped.
Other reported symptoms are blurred vision, vertigo, tinnitus, headache, insomnia, tiredness, slurred speech, hyperactivity and mood changes.
It has also been suggested that its use can be related to the formation of brain
tumors, birth defects and diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimers, but these
reports are difficult to verify.

Artificial sweeteners are marketed under various brand names some of which
are Aspartame, Nutrasweet, Equal, Saccharin and Cyclamate. (Other sweeteners
that you may see listed on various products are sorbitol and mannitol which are
naturally occurring sweeteners, although they can also be manufactured

Aspartame is a synthetic compound made of two amino acids
(aspartate and phenylalanine) held in a chemical bond by methanol. It is a very
small molecule which is absorbed into the blood stream extremely quickly. Once
in the blood stream, the chemicals break down and become methyl alcohol, phenyl,
and aspartic acid. There have been many studies done that have reported it safe
to use, but as many people are more susceptible to chemical sensitivity than
others there is room for doubt especially as Aspartame reactions may be caused
by the compound itself or any of its three components.

The signs of methanol poisoning are headaches, numbness of the extremities,
vertigo, depression, blurred vision, confusion, nausea and abdominal pain. These
symptoms are uncomfortably close to those reported to be experienced by those
who are known to be affected by artificial sweeteners. Aspartame can also break
down into free standing methyl alcohol (which is poisonous) before you ingest it
if it is heated over 30°C. This can happen in a delivery truck or at home.

Another point is that some individuals are unable to metabolise
phenylalanine one of the original components of Aspartame. This is known as
phenylketonuria’ or PKU. Phenylalanine is a component of all proteins; but
brain levels are higher when it is taken as aspartame rather than in proteins.
Phenylketonuria can be the cause of retardation if the use of phenylalanine by
sensitive people is not restricted and it should never be used by pregnant
women. Other reported side effects from the ingestion of phenylalanine are high
blood pressure, memory loss, seizures, skin rash or itching, liver abnormalities
and loss of skin pigment. Aspartic acid has been reported as the possible cause
of some headaches.

Another point made by researchers is that when Aspartame is used in
combination with carbohydrates, the aspartame causes the brain to cease
producing Serotonin in the brain. This can cause the brain to send out the
message that you have not yet satisfied your desire for eating and actually
cause you to eat more rather than less and therefore not achieve the weight loss
you are expecting to gain by using the products in the first place!

If questioning whether you are being affected by Aspartame, the easiest
method of determining this is to simply abstain from ingesting any aspartame at
all for several days. The product code for aspartame is E951.


There are two main types of asthma – allergic type asthma (extrinsic) and intrinsic. Allergic type asthma is generally triggered by allergens in the air and by some foods, although it can be made worse by cold air, damp and exercise. Intrinsic asthma will be characterised often by gastroesophageal reflux, emotional upset and possibly infection, but also can be made worse by cold air, damp and exercise. Both are principally inflammatory disorders.

The cause of allergy can be diverse. Ordinary environmental allergens (pollens etc) can be a major cause of bronchospasm but so can sensitivity to sulphites.

Natural treatments should always include the reduction of environmental allergens as this can reduce the incidence of asthma hugely. This would include removing all animal hair, dust mites (vacuum mattresses, get a good mattress protector), airborne moulds (use a dehumidifier) and pollens as much as possible from the surrounding living area. I also find that putting clothing through a tumble drier to remove lint and washing all bedding weekly can help.
Avoiding being exposed to cigarette smoke, perfumes, cleaners, insecticides is always important.

Sulphites are found as preservatives in many foods, mainly wines but also in dried fruits, some fruit drinks and also soft drinks (usually the cheaper ones).
See page on  ‘Sulphite Allergy’. Check the labels for (220).

Herbal remedies can also be of great help in asthmatic conditions.

The relaxing herbs such as Passiflora, Valerian and Chamomile can be applicable if there is stress involved and may be used separately as needed.

Osteopathic treatments to relieve tension around the bronchials and thoracic area can help hugely.
Finally breathing exercises are invaluable. Try learning yoga breathing.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment

Primary Progressive Aphasia

Aphasia is a condition that may be caused by a stroke or head injury but can
also be caused by a tumour or other neurological condition.
In the case of ‘primary progressive aphasia’ there is new research emerging that shows that it could be caused by a specific combination of prion gene variants.

There are two main forms of ‘aphasia’:

Broca’s aphasia, which is caused by damage to the frontal lobe of the brain, leading to difficulty speaking. Formation of words may be difficult and writing ability may become limited.

Wernick’s aphasia, which is caused by damage to the temporal lobe. This can lead to problems speaking where a person may speak easily but with little or no meaning. They may use un-necessary words, create new words and may also have difficulty understanding speech.

Primary progressive aphasia is classified as a type of frontotemporal dementia because of the pattern of brain degeneration it causes. The primary symptoms of the disease are problems speaking or understanding speech, that gradually get worse over time. There mayalso be problems with maths. Although most other functions will remain the same
for several years eventually other problems will emerge such as problems with
memory, attention, reasoning and spatial abilities. Personality and behaviour
may well also diminish.

I’m afraid I know of no specific treatment. I have seen slight improvement
in people with this problem when given natural remedies for stress. In the case
I have in mind I used a blend of Homeobotanical ‘Trauma’ and ‘E’. St. John’s
Wort may also be of help. As research is obviously continuing it would be a good
idea to keep a watch on the internet and for further developments in this field.


The main reason for alopecia or hair loss is often vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies caused by prolonged or acute stress to the body. Poor diet, acute illness, surgery, sudden weight loss, skin disease or poor circulation can all be further reasons for vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

Where you get situations of stress, then the body will utilise more minerals than usual and where stress is prolonged then sodium and potassium levels are likely to be low (along with many other minerals) and this will impair digestive ability and slow the absorption of nutrients.

Ideally natural treatments should address the reason for the stress as well as the mineral deficiency.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment

Antidepressants, 5HTP

Firstly, a little about antidepressants. *SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) affect the chemicals that nerves in the brain use to send messages to one another. These chemical messengers, called neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine, are released by one nerve and taken up by other nerves. Neurotransmitters that are not taken up by other nerves are taken up by the same nerves that released them. This process is termed ‘reuptake’.

*SSRIs work by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, an action which allows more serotonin to be available to be taken up by other nerves.

*MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors) relieve depression by preventing the enzyme monoamine oxidase from metabolizing the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine in the brain. As a result, these levels remain high in the brain, boosting mood.

*Tricyclic antidepressants boost all three neurotransmitters (nor epinephrine, serotonin and dopamine). As all these types of drugs have similar effects on Serotonin it is definitely unadvisable to use them both at the same time or even close to one another.

*5HTP (5-hydroxy-tryptophan) is an amino acid made in the body from dietary L-tryptophan as an intermediate in the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
5-HTP can also be derived from the seeds of a West African plant Griffonia simplicifolia.
5HTP acts primarily to increase levels of serotonin in the central nervous system.
Serotonin increases feelings of optimism, well being, self esteem, the improves the ability to relax, sleep well and feel secure.

These are all feelings that doctors want to increase when they prescribe antidepressants to treat depression or a variety of other conditions, including poor sleep, anxiety, migraine headaches, PMT, various eating disorders, obesity, and some chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia.

Since 5-HTP elevates serotonin levels, taking it in conjunction with prescription drugs designed to do the same thing could lead to potentially toxic levels of serotonin (‘serotonin syndrome’). This could cause neuromuscular hyperactivity, muscle spasms, and rigidity, as well as agitation, emotional overexcitement (mania), confusion, excessive sweating, fever, shortness of breath, and rapid heart rates.

5HTP has been shown to be beneficial in treating insomnia and improving sleep quality.
Often I would be recommending 5HTP be used in conjunction with herbs such as perhaps Californian Poppy or Mexican Valerian, Hops and Passiflora which can support the body, help relaxation and aid the sleep process.
See page on ‘Sleep problems’.

Other ways of boosting Serotonin levels can be to listen to peaceful, soft music, undertake slow relaxing exercise and meditation, keeping your thoughts peaceful and quiet.

Up-dated Jan 2022

Amenorrhea – lack of periods

Absent  menstruation is called amenorrhea. Over the years most women are likely to skip a period or two now and again, especially during times of stress. The holidays, special occasions, deadlines, changes in relationships, grieving, and traveling.
Absent or lack of periods can also occur when there has been a dramatic reduction in body weight. Even when exercising or attempting a vegetarian diet, weight and body mass index needs be to fully maintained in order for the menstrual cycle to continue as is normal. This means that at least 17-22 per cent of body fat needs to be maintained for normal periods to remain stable. If body weight for some reason is greatly reduced then it will need to be fully re-gained in order for periods to recommence.

Natural treatments should always look for the reason behind the condition and if possible treat this area first.
However for anyone struggling with anorexia it is very important to take extra Minerals as well as extra Vitamins so as to allow the body to maintain or regain normal functioning. Colloidal Minerals are great as they are easy to take and have wonderful absorption.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment


Original question: ‘…are there is any natural therapies that may help a person
with dementia, ideally by improving the condition or if that’s not possible at
least by slowing the deterioration?’

This is an often asked and extremely difficult to answer question. It is also very close to home for many people. I often feel that dementia is a disease that is better prevented than having to try and treat it once progressed to the point that a person is badly affected.

There are a number of ‘treatments’ that may well help prevent brain deterioration.

– For instance a deficiency in minerals is common and is one possible cause of neuronal deterioration.

Vitamin B12 and Folate deficiency is a known cause of dementia and psychiatric

Iodine deficiency also makes people sluggish and affects thinking and co-ordination.
All these deficiencies are easily remedied by making sure that you supplement daily with a good oral Vitamin B12 plus a Vitamin B complex and Colloidal minerals.

Hormonal deficiencies.

Free radical damage can also cause neuronal deterioration.

Detoxification to eliminate gut derived toxins and inflammation is important.

Some herbs such as Bacopa, Ginseng, Withania (Ashwagandha in Ayuvedic medicine), and others all have adaptogen/tonifying effects and been observed to improve brain function.

Ginkgo Biloba helps improve circulation to the brain which may also help improve brain functioning and reduce the progression of cognitive decline.

The herb Rosemary has long been reputed to improve brain function but it is only more recently that the constituents of this herb has been studied. It has been found to contain carnosic acid which in a study has been found to promote ‘nerve growth factor’ which in turn can help improve brain function.

Phosphatidyserine has also been shown to improve memory and cognitive
and often works well when combined with Ginkgo Biloba.

– Plus all the usual good dietary advice.

– Make sure that your brain gets sufficient exercise.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment

Allergic Sinus

Allergies of any kind are a distressing problem to many people every year.
These can appear as hayfever either in late winter/spring when pine pollens can affect many people or over summer when pollens of many different sorts abound.
The action of Evening primrose Oil is to act as a mild anti-inflammatory, therefore where the problem is relatively mild, I find that Evening Primrose oil can help relieve much of the congestion in the facial sinuses. Evening Primrose Oil does need to be taken in sufficient quantity, usually 3000 mg at least twice daily.

If the situation is quite severe, then I find that Quercetin plus bio-flavoniods work very well. The dosage needs to be about 500 mg two to three times daily. Quercetin works by inhibiting histamine release. It is also anti-inflammatory and anti-viral.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment


In most cases of eczema there is underlying lack of digestive enzymes, and/or hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

An adequate supply of raw foods in the diet is essential as it is only raw foods that naturally supply food enzymes.
Without these a great strain is put on the body’s digestive ability. Try and aim
for 30-40% raw foods in the diet and be sure to sprout all seeds before consuming them. Supplementing with digestive enzymes at each meal is also essential and can result in dramatic improvement on this condition. I usually recommend enzyme products which are entirely plant derived, contain an effective doseage of digestive enzymes and are extremely well tolerated.
See page on ‘Enzymes – facts’.

The production of digestive enzymes and acids is dependent to an extent on an adequate supply of B vitamins and minerals in the diet, often deficient.
Spirulina helps greatly, around 6000mg each morning. This may be repeated at
lunchtime but do not take spirulina (or any B vitamin supplement) at night as it
will keep you awake!
An alternative would be 1tbsp of Colloidal minerals daily plus a B Complex tablet.
The extra zinc supplied by the colloidal minerals will greatly aid in healing the skin.
See page on ‘Minerals – why we need to supplement’.

Totally eliminate all added sugars as these will only worsen inflammation, lower the immune system, aggravate unwanted yeast production and cause swings in moods and emotions, all of which can aggravate skin conditions.

Greatly reduce (or eliminate) dairy products.
At least eliminate cheese totally, as these products are high in dairy protein and can be very difficult for the stomach to digest. Products such as ‘milo’, ice-cream, and sweetened yoghurts and ‘dairy’ foods contain dairy proteins as well as sugars.

If unsure of which food is the problem then try eliminating ALL possible culprits, such as all dairy, eggs, nuts, seeds, citrus and gluten. This leaves a diet of rice, corn or quinoa products (such as rice or corn porridge, breads and milks), red meats, fish, chicken, fruits such as banana, apple, pear and avocado,  flaxseed & fish oils. Smoothies work well and allow extra enzymes, oils, probiotics and extra proteins such as pea protein to be added.
This can be continued until the skin improves then very slowly and carefully add another food one at a time. For example if unsure if gluten is a problem try using spelt products (low gluten) instead of wheat initially.

Have a fish meal (preferably oily fish such as salmon, sardines, herrings, cod etc.) at least three times weekly and supplement with Evening Primrose oil daily – 3000mg at least twice daily, but increasing to three times daily if inflammation is severe.
Fish oils supply Omega 3 and seed oils provide Omega 6 essential fatty acids, both are required to keep the skin healthy, prevent dryness and inflammation and maintain the circulatory and nervous systems.

Fish oils also contain Vitamin A which is excellent in helping the skin to heal. If you don’t like eating oily fish try taking a capsule of Cod liver oil daily (or alternatively another fish oil capsule) or a tbsp of Flaxseed oil.

Herbal remedies containing ‘blood cleansers’ are also very useful.  Often these herbs are generally bitter to taste and therefore stimulate the digestive secretions and also maintain good mineral levels.
A mix of Gentian and Ginger taken 2-3 drops onto the tongue ten minutes prior to meals is a very good way of further stimulating the digestive juices.

If there is infection present on the skin, I have found taking Oregano oil at about 150mg twice daily can help greatly. These are usually available as tiny capsules.

Some types of ‘eczema’ would more accurately be termed ‘allergic dermatitis’ as they are the result of the body reacting to chemicals found in certain foods. These can be naturally occurring chemicals.
Eczema’ caused by sensitivity to citrus would be one example. The appearance of the skin is a little different to that of an eczema caused by intolerance to dairy products.
In these cases care must be taken to avoid the food that the person is sensitive to, although in many cases the above treatments will also help tremendously.

This maybe just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment


Arteriosclerosis / atherosclerorsis is the narrowing and hardening of the arteries. In arteriosclerosis the narrowing is caused mainly by calcium deposits.  In atherosclerosis the narrowing is caused mainly by chronic lipid deposition, cell proliferation and reactive inflammation in the artery wall.

Atherosclerosis can start in childhood with early lipid deposits evolving into the lesions characteristic of atherosclerosis. The lesions begin as a grey to pearly white, elevated thickening of the internal part of the vessel with a core of extracellular lipid (mainly cholesterol, which usually is bound to proteins) covered by a fibrous cap of connective tissue and smooth muscle.
Atherosclerotic lesions can protrude into the artery lumen and impede blood flow. Due to a reduction in blood flow, the function of downstream tissues is impaired through insufficient oxygenation and less efficient metabolite exchange.

Atherosclerosis generally does not produce any symptoms until atheroma
encroaches significantly on the vessel lumen. However, if there is an acute
occlusion of a major artery by thrombosis, embolism or dissecting aneurysm the symptoms and signs can be dramatic. The signs and symptoms of atherosclerosis depend on the degree of blockage and also depend on which arteries are involved.

Atherosclerotic lesions occurring in the coronary arteries lead to coronary
heart disease (CHD). Symptoms of CHD may present acutely as ischaemic chest pain (i.e. angina pectoris) or myocardial infarction.
Lesions occurring in the cerebral arteries lead to cerebrovascular disease, which may lead to stroke.
Lesions in the iliac and femoral arteries lead to peripheral arterial disease, which may present as ischaemic pain in the extremities (e.g. intermittent claudication), gangrene, or aneurysm.

Risk factors:
Elevated blood cholesterol levels
High blood pressure
Physical inactivity
Low antioxidant status
Low levels of essential fatty acids
Low levels of magnesium and potassium
Increased platelet aggregation
Increased fibrinogen formation
Elevated levels of homocysteine

Evidence suggests that an elevated homocysteine level is a risk factor for heart disease independent of other known risk factors such as elevated cholesterol, and hypertension. Homocysteine appears to be capable of promoting the development of atherosclerosis. Cigarette smoking and coffee consumption are associated with increased levels of homocysteine.
Vitamin B6, Folic acid, and Vitamin B12 all function as cofactors for enzymes that can lower homocysteine levels.

Natural treatment regimes
Since the development of atherosclerosis begins in childhood, risk factor modification (including diet, physical activity and weight control) should begin early in life, at least in the late teens.

Preventing the development of coronary heart disease could
be assisted by following:

Prevention of childhood and adolescent smoking.
Systematically checking for serum hyperchlesterolaemia and for low HDL levels.
Prevention and treatment of obesity.
Identification and control of hypertension and glucose intolerance in young people.
Consumption of a plant-based diet rich in fruit and vegetables, nuts, natural vegetable oils, and whole grains.

Medical treatments
Medical treatment and prevention may include procedures such as coronary bypass operations or balloon and stent procedures.

However there are many more natural regimes that can help this situation.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment