
Probiotics are beneficial microflora found in the intestinal tract. They are responsible for maintaining the crucial balance between the systemic immune system (that of the whole body especially the blood) and the mucosal immune system (that of the gut). One can-not be effective without the other.

With our modern day diet we are constantly at risk of up-setting this balance. If you consider that all probiotics are bacteria and that some of us will persist in eating/drinking foods that contain preservatives that are anti-bacterial, that is, they are added to foods to prevent bacterial growth, then it follows that intestinal flora will be compromised.

Not only that, stress, intestinal infections, anti-biotic use, alcohol, poor diet, aging and pollution of all sorts will also contribute to depleting intestinal flora.

Probiotics will improve the immune system by: normalizing gut microbiology, decreasing gut permeability, eradicating pathogens, enhancing IgA responses, stimulating T cell populations and helping maintain tolerance to food antigens and non pathogenic enteric organisms.

Probiotics also aid digestion and produce several vitamins.

Not all probiotics are considered the same. The World Health Organisation defines probiotics as ‘live micro-organisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host’.

Although there are many commercially available strains, only a few have been demonstrated effective in human clinical trials. Even high doses (10 million CFU/day) of some strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria may have no appreciable effect on the immune function whereas another proven strain may have appreciable effect at a much lower dose.

And note that here are many different strains of ‘Lactobacillus’, just because a product has ‘Lactobacillus’ on its label does not necessarily mean it is going to reach your gut or if it does it may not necessarily do lot of good.

Bacteria used to culture yoghurt have demonstrated little clinical benefit and many strains do not survive the transit through the acidity of the stomach.

All probiotic products should be refrigerated and capsules formulated in such a manner that the content is ‘protected’ from the onslaught of stomach acids.

PREbiotics are nutrients which act as a food source for probiotic bacteria. They are generally non-digestible glyconutrients which are fermented in the digestive tract and which then feed the beneficial bacteria.

Examples of this type of product would be those that contain Arabinogalactans (derived from the western Larch tree),or galacto-oligosaccarides (derived from milk sugars).

Below are listed some proven strains of Probiotics and their function :

Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM strain. Restores gut flora in the small intestine, especially following the use of antibiotics. Also promotes healthy vaginal flora during the use of oral contraceptives.

Anti-inflammatory/analgesic in the gut. Improves resistance to infection.

Improves dairy sensitivities as lactic acid bacteria provide a source of lactase essential for the digestion of lactose.

Bifidobacteria lactis BI-07 strain. Restores gut flora in the large intestine.

Bifidobacteria lactis HN019 strain. Improves gut immunity (by normalising T helper cell responses) and particularly reduces allergies and atopic dermatitis.

Lactobacillus plantarum 299V strain. Has been shown to bring about a beneficial alteration in gut flora by increasing levels of lactobacilli and decreasing levels of gram negative anaeroabic bacteria.

This helps reduce bloating, flatulence, constipation and/or diarrhoea and mucosal inflammation, particularly in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Also useful in osteoarthritis and other autoimmune conditions.

Also helps improve immune status and can aid in lowering cholesterol.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 strain. Improves immunity by increasing natural killer cell responses and phagocytic activity.

Also helps atopic dermatitis and eczema, particularly in children.
Contained in: Ultra Flora SB Dysbiosis and Ultra Flora Immune

Lactobacillus Reuteri. One of the most common Lactobacillus species and found to strongly inhibit the growth and colonisation of pathogenic organisms in the gastrintestinal tract. Helpful in situations involving gastroenteritis and/or acute diarrhoea. It is also useful as it is resistant to commonly used antibiotics (amoxycillin) and can often be used during a course of antibiotic treatment.

Saccharomyces boulardii. Is a beneficial yeast which does not actually adhere to the intestinal cells but does promote the growth of lactic acid bacteria. It can beffective in cases of dysbiosis, Candida, and diarrhoea especially when associated with antibiotic use.

Up-dated September 2020



Minerals – the facts

Also see page on Minerals – why we need to supplement.

1. Minerals are essential to all life. All minerals in the body work together as a collective whole. If there is a shortage of just any one mineral the balance of the entire bodily activity can be thrown awry.  A deficiency of one mineral may disrupt the entire chain of life, rendering other nutrients either useless or inefficient. A marked
deficiency in any one
of the more important minerals actually results in disease. It makes it impossible for the body to maintain its immune status adequately.

2. The human body is designed to receive minerals from plants so that they may be properly assimilated and utilised. Colloidal minerals are plant derived and naturally
chelated. The term ‘Colloidal’ means ‘in suspension’. Colloidal minerals contain all major and trace elements (do not confuse ‘Colloidal minerals’ with ‘Colloidal Silver’, it is not the same thing!!) The efficiency of each mineral is enhanced by balanced amounts of the others.

3. The body must maintain an adequate mineral supply to maintain a balance between internal and external pressures of the body cells, called osmotic equilibrium.  This state must be maintained for normal cell function and overall good health.

4. Minerals are conductors of the body’s electrical current, which is vital for all body functions.

5. All body processes depend on the action of minerals as all nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugars and oils etc, require minerals for activity.

6. Trace or colloidal minerals are more important in nutrition than vitamins. Vitamins can be synthesised by living matter, minerals cannot.

7. Vitamins are required for every biochemical activity of the body.
Vitamins cannot function unless minerals are present.

8. Mineral are the catalysts that make enzyme function possible.

9. Minerals are necessary for the proper digestion and assimilation of our food.

10. Hormonal secretions of glands are dependant upon mineral stimulation.

11. Minerals control the acid-alkaline balance (PH) of the tissue fluid.

12. Minerals help protect the body from pollution by heavy (toxic) metals and other contaminates. They have a natural chelating effect which helps remove build-ups of metallic minerals.

13. The concept brought forth by French scientists concerning the biological transmutation of the elements within the body makes it understandable as to why the body needs the broad range of colloidal minerals in balance to regain and maintain good health.

14. Minerals are therefore justified as a supplemental dietary substance, especially in these days when the mineral content of our fruit and vegetables are destroyed by petrochemicals and synthetic fertilisers.
Go to On-line shop for liquid, plant derived Colloidal Minerals.

From mines deep in the state of Utah in the United States, plant derived colloidal minerals are extracted from a 75 million year old pre-historic plant deposit. These prehistoric plants were encapsulated by a layer of sand rock sealing in the minerals and keeping them free from erosion, toxins and pollutants. The 77 plus minerals contained in Colloidal mineral supplements contain the same energy and nutrient levels that were once part of life on earth many millennia ago.


The human body requires at least 7 macro minerals and 70 trace minerals to maintain optimum health. We should be getting these minerals from our diets but modern farming methods and the use of chemicals for growing has lead to nutrient deficient diets for people.

A 1992 earth summit report found that Australian soil had lost over 55% of its minerals. There is suggestion that the situation is the same in New Zealand.

Organic colloidal minerals are different from normal metallic or chelated minerals.  Only plants can produce organic colloidal minerals. Animals and people are designed to absorb, transport, assimilate and use minerals in their organic colloidal form.

Organic (plant derived) colloidal minerals should not be confused with metallic or chelated minerals, which have very low absorption rates and can be toxic to the human body. In terms of health it is not what you take but what you absorb that counts.

Colloidal minerals are very different from your regular mineral supplements. They are (plant derived) colloidal minerals exhibiting unique properties like;
– being 100% bio available so only small doses are required to experience benefits (5 to 30ml per day).
– No toxic build up – minerals are completely harmless in their plant derived colloidal form.
–  No artificial ingredients or dilutions.


Over 77+ (organic plant derived) colloidal minerals including Aluminium, Antimony, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Boron, Bromine, Cadmium, Calcium, Carbon, Cerium, Cesium, Chlorine, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Dysprosium, Erbium, Europium, Fluoride, Gadulinium, Gallium, Germanium, Gold, Hafnium, Holmium, Hydrogen, Indium, Iodine, Iridium, Iron, Lanthanum, Lithium, Lutetium, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Neodymium, Nickel, Niobium, Nitrogen, Osmium, Oxygen, Palladium, Phosphorus, Platinum, Potassium, Praseodymium, Phenium, Rhodium, Rubidium, Ruthenium, Samarium, Scandium, Selenium, Silicon, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Sulfur, Tantalum, Tellurium, Tin, Titinuium, Thorium, Thallium, Terbium, Tungsten, Vanadium, Ytterbium, Zinc, and Zirconium.


Zinc is an essential trace element that occurs in the body in larger amounts
than any other trace element other than iron. It is also extremely deficient in
New Zealand soils and many people are unsuspectingly deficient in this mineral
and become prone to health problems that they would otherwise be free of.  Zinc
supplementation is extremely important as a deficiency can cause a raft of
health problems.

A deficiency of zinc predisposes the body to:
– Stress, fatigue, depression.
– Susceptibility to infection, colds, flus,.
– Slow healing of wounds, acne and scarring.
– Macula degeneration in the eye.
– Brittle hair and ‘white’ heads appearing on the scalp.
– White spots on the nails
– Achy knee and hip joints and poor circulation can also often be caused by Zinc deficiency.
Even a marginal deficiency will decrease sexual interest, cause low sperm counts, impotence.
– Irregular menstrual cycles
in young women and can be a factor in spontaneous abortions.
– In older men it causes changes to the size of the prostate and in all ages predisposes the body to cancer.
– It can be a factor in early senility.
– In children it is often the reason for ‘picky eating’ habits or poor growth rates.
– Zinc is essential for the production function of DNA and RNA.

Outward signs of deficiency that people notice first can often be the appearance of stretch marks, the white spots in the nails, dry, itchy or pimply scalp, poor sense of taste and smell, poor appetite and in some people the tendency to faint.

Deficiency caused by low soil and dietary levels is made worse by a high alcohol intake, high mercury levels (amalgams in the teeth), high cadmium levels (smoking, industrial pollution) or high silver or copper levels.
High stress levels and/or excessive exercise can also cause Zinc depletion.
Surgery is extremely stressful to the body and anyone anticipating surgery should supplement with Zinc so as to enable the body to heal effectively.

This deficiency concerns me hugely especially when I see so many young people
not functioning normally mentally, depressed to the point of suicide, young
couples suffering the trauma of miscarriages and infertility and young and old
suffering from cancer and other immune dysfunctions. This is made harder to
understand when you realise that correcting the problem is so very easy.

Zinc is available as tablets, liquids or as a constituent of Colloidal minerals. The last option is by far the best as absorption from tablets is minimal and generally most people are deficient in more than one mineral. Also indiscriminate use mineral supplements can actually cause Zinc depletion, especially the overuse of calcium, Iron and copper.

Colloidal minerals supply all necessary minerals and trace elements without
overdosing and are extremely well absorbed. If using this method of
supplementation buy a brand that is not diluted with fruit juices and made to
taste nice. Zinc tastes terrible…but the taste is an excellent guide to the
level of zinc in the body, if you can’t taste it, your levels are too low! It
may be mixed with juice when you use it, but every so often check the undiluted
version for ‘taste’!

See page on ‘ Minerals – the facts’ and Minerals – why we need to supplement’.

Food sources can be difficult especially for those that don’t eat red meat as
the highest known source of zinc is oysters followed by beef.


Minerals – why we need to supplement

Originally, we depended for our continuing good health, on the nutrients found within the soils that our foods grew on. We once fertilised these soils, by putting back much of what we took out as compost and animal fertilisers, rotating crops and using legumes as a
‘dig-in’ crop etc.

Now-days, with modern farming methods we often use imbalanced fertilisers
(mainly consisting of phosphorous, potassium and nitrogen without other essential elements). These initially give greater yields but eventually imbalances the soil and the nutritional content of the foods grown on these soils becomes deficient.

To compound the problem NZ soils are deficient in many minerals to start with, specifically Zinc, Selenium, Boron and in many places Magnesium.

To make matters worse much of the food we eat is even further depleted of its original vitamin and mineral content by picking, processing and cooking. When picked before being fully ripe the flavour and nutritional content of a fruit or vegetable is not fully developed.

The coating of foods with things such as mineral oils and sulphur dioxide to enhance the customer appeal of a food product will further destroy vitamins, as will freezing, refining, micro-waving, over-cooking and preserving. Micro-waving in particular is known to cause total loss of enzymes and a diet consisting of a high level of micro-waved food will bring about a greatly depleted immune system.

Refining grains (removing the bran and germ) means we lose approximately 98% of manganese, 80% iron, 70% phosphorus, 65% copper, 50% calcium and potassium,
80% thiamine (B1), 75% niacin (B3), 65% riboflavin (B2), 50% pyridoxine (B6) and
pantothenic acid (B5) from these foods.

Refining sugar has the same result as all the minerals are lost and concentrated into  the production of molasses. Better to eat molasses than it is to eat refined sugar!.

Also every time we are stressed, take medications or fight infection, our bodies use more minerals which need to be replaced.

Some examples of mineral use in the body are:
The sodium/potassium balance can influence how well your adrenals work.
Potassium is a key mineral for adrenal health.
Copper is essential for iron & zinc utilization. It is also necessary for the production of haemoglobin.
Cobalt is necessary for the formation of red blood cells.
Molybdenum also plays a part in preventing anaemia.
Zinc/copper ratio can influence hormone balance. (Studies have indicated that an elevated Zinc/copper ratio may indicate a dominance of progesterone, while a low zinc/copper ratio may indicate oesrogen dominance).
It is also related to abnormalities in HDL/LDL ratios.
Zinc is needed to maintain health cells in the entire body.
Chromium is a trace mineral necessary for the production of cholesterol and glucose as well as insulin production & regulation.
Sulphur is critical for protein metabolism. It s necessary for healthy joints, hair, skin, nails and production of collagen.
Copper also is needed in the production of collagen.
Boron is important in the uptake of calcium & other minerals into the bone.
Strontium has been shown to be involved in the utilization of calcium.
And so on, all minerals & trace elements are inter-related and work in conjunction with one another—not separately.
ALL are essential in the body for not just one but many actions.

It is totally unacceptable to think that we can obtain all the elements necessary for good health from the food we eat. Even more importantly,
there is no doubt that degenerative disease is due to trace mineral deficiencies.

The problem can be remedied to a degree if we grow our own foods and make all possible attempts to use natural fertilisers such as sea weeds, worm juice, animal dung or compost made from or garden and kitchen wastes.
Also, by buying as many organic foods as possible.

This is feasible for some of us but not all and even where these efforts are made, mineral levels in the body tend to remain too low. This can be due not only to insufficient minerals in the diet but also to the fact that the body uses many more minerals when stressed, when fighting ill health (this includesfighting off the common cold), when attempting to eliminate toxins or simply repairing a wound.

You must supplement in order for the body to reach optimum mineral
levels and therefore enable the body to maintain optimum health.

The best type of mineral supplement I have found on the market are Colloidal minerals.
See page on ‘ Minerals – facts’.

The term Colloidal means ‘in suspension’, so don’t confuse colloidal Silver (which is silver only, in suspension) with colloidal minerals (which have at least 70 plus, minerals in suspension). Colloidal minerals are liquid, 100% bio-available and have no toxic build up.

There are several different brands out there but most are diluted quite considerably from the concentrate and many will have fruit flavourings and extra amino acids added. Nothing wrong with that except you pay more than you have to.

A ‘good’ Colloidal mineral product will taste ‘terrible’, as the predominant taste is Zinc (a strange sweet, sour, dry sensation), but can be mixed in your favourite juice. In this Clinic I recommend concentrated liquid minerals that are not diluted, of excellent quality and are well packaged.
Go to On-line shop for  ‘Liquid minerals’.

Up-dated April 2019

Cartilage injury

The extent of a cartilage injury needs to be determined by X Ray or Ultra sound. If badly damaged it may need to be repaired surgically. If, however there is no major injury and the cartilage is simply ‘worn’ then there are many herbs and other supplements on the market that can help to ease joint pain.

Glucosamine can reduce inflammatory pain and also help to protect the cartilage. Green Lipped mussel extract also comes into this category as it contains naturally occurring glucosamine. This is an excellent product for all joint and cartilage problems, as long as you are not prone to getting gout! Take at least 500-1000 mg daily long-term.

Flaxseed oil is great, as it not only eases inflammation but also improves circulation to the joints by improving the flow of the blood through the body. The usual dose is about 1 tablespoon daily, plus it is a good idea to also use as much oily fish as possible – salmon, sardines, herrings, cod etc to further boost Omega 3 levels.

Evening Primrose oil has the action of increasing the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins and can therefore be useful for inflammatory situations.

Comfrey cream is an old fashioned by excellent remedy for any damaged tendon or joint. It greatly relieves pain and speeds healing.
Arnica & cloves also make an excellent cream to use when there is joint pain.

All minerals need to be increased, particularly magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, silica and boron. The easiest way to get all these, plus all trace elements in adequate amounts and in an easily absorbed form is to take 1 tablespoon of Colloidal minerals daily.

B vitamins are very important, particularly vitamin B6, which helps reduce swelling and vitamin B12 which greatly reduces nerve pain and also helps protect the nerves. These should both be taken in conjunction with a Vitamin B complex tablet.

As mentioned above, there are many herbs that can reduce joint pain. Some useful ones are Devil’s claw, Yucca, Wild yam, Willow bark, Wood betony, Celery seed, Boswellia serrata and Ginger.

Magnetic products work extremely well for many people. For pain caused by cartilage damage, the small adhesive magnets are convenient and inexpensive. To ease the pain of damaged knee cartilage you need to apply at least three, one on either side over the cartilage area and one medially below the knee. For situations where the knee in unstable, the magnetic knee supports are better.
See page on ‘Magnetic Therapy’.

Castor oil packs are another very effective (if old fashioned) remedy for damaged cartilage or tendons. They often only need to be used for a few days but at times for more serious injury may have to used on a three days on, three days off basis.
See page on ‘Castor oil packs’


Candida albicans is a naturally occurring yeast present in every individual. In a healthy person it lives in balance with hundreds of other yeasts and friendly bacteria as a non-invasive sugar fermenting yeast.
If an overgrowth is provoked, for example, by the intake of too much sugar or by the use of antibiotics, candida albicans converts to its invasive fungal form which can invade the tissues and incite inflammatory responses.

Because candidiasis can affect various parts of the body, it can have many symptoms attributed to it. Most commonly it affects the mouth, ears, nose, gastrointestinal tract and the vagina and is often referred to as ‘thrush’.
In the mouth it can appear as white spots on the tongue, inside the cheeks and on the gums.
In the vagina it can cause a white, cheesy discharge and extremely intense itching and burning.
In the gastrointestinal tract it can cause bloating, gas, abdominal pain, constipation and/or diarrhoea.
It can be the cause of skin infections such as tinea between the toes, ‘jock itch’ when affecting the groin and often it is the cause of ‘nappy rash’ on babies.
In the urinary system it can be the cause of reoccurring kidney and bladder infection, cystitis, urethitis and urinary frequency and burning.
Often a person may simply feel ‘unwell’, tired or have unexplained reactions to perfumes and/or chemicals.

To treat candidiasis, firstly make sure your diet is free of excess sugars i.e. all added sugar including dried fruits, cakes, biscuits, honey, wine, beers, etc and also all refined carbohydrates. Sugars in raw fruit and veges are usually OK.
See page on ‘Blood Sugars’.

Then be sure to add as much garlic, ginger, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary and lemon verbena to your diet as you can. All these herbs contain substances that kill candida. Or you can take as enterically coated garlic tablet which slow releases in the intestine.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment

Chemotherapy – boosting the immune system

Before under going any hospital treatment, it is of the utmost importance to boost the immune system as much as possible. In many instances if this were done initially then the body would not have become ill in the first place, but having said that, there are many situations in which people feel that they have no choice but to undergo hospital treatment.

In this case there are two extremely important reasons for which to immediately boost the immune status of the body. Firstly to enable the body to undergo the treatment process with out becoming further weakened and secondly to enable the body to continue healing afterwards and to ultimately overcome the presenting disease.

The most important elements in this process are minerals. This can not be stressed enough. Without all the minerals required for overall health the body cannot heal. In my opinion the best way to do this is to supplement daily with Colloidal minerals as they are in liquid form, provide 100% availability to living tissue, do not accumulate in the body and are non-toxic.
See pages on Minerals – facts’ and Minerals – why we need to supplement’.

Other alternatives are the green products such as Spirulina, Barley Grass, Chorella etc. Often these combined with Colloidal minerals work very well as they provide an extra protein source which is very important to a body that is struggling to heal.

Enzymes are also of extreme importance to the immune status of the body. Enzymes are necessary for all mental and physical functions and minerals are the catalysts that make enzyme function possible. Enzymes are found in all raw foods but when the body is already diseased the body needs far more than this to enable it to heal. Also we need to remember that cooking and processing destroys all enzymes and therefore most foods are deficient. For this reason enzymes need to be supplemented in large amounts, so use both capsulated forms and lots of freshly made juices. See page on ‘Enzymes -facts’.

Keep the bowel in as healthy condition as possible. There are a number of bowel cleansing products on the market. See page on ‘ Bowel -improving action’ and ‘Bowel motions -What’s normal!’.

Below is listed more that can be done to support the Immune system:
– Take extra minerals. (i.e.) Colloidal minerals 10-15ml daily plus 1-2 drops of extra Selenium.
– Take extra vitamins B.
– Take extra vitamins A, C and E – all are anti-oxidants & can reduce the risk of radiation or chemically induced cancers.
– Use anti-oxidants such as Quercetin – anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, aids lymphatic drainage, anti -viral or Co-enzyme Q10 (best in large doses 200-300mg daily).
– Turmeric, Hawthorn, Grape seed and Green tea are also all excellent antioxidants.
– Use herbs such as Echinacea, Garlic, Astragalus, Andrographis, and Shitake Mushroom. All have imune enhancing properties. – I often reccommend a ryegrass extract which I find effective.
Click here for more information on this product.
– Use Siberian Ginseng and/or Withania – good herbs for strengthening the body.

Look to the diet:
– Avoid all added sugars.
– Buy as much organic produce as you can find – you do not want any extra poisons entering the body.
– Avoid fried foods.
– Use organic juices.
– Take extra Omega 3 fatty acids and/or eat fish at least three times weekly.
– Use natural, chemical free body products.

Support your liver:
– Avoid all alcohol
– Take herbs such as St. Mary’s Thistle, Schisandra, Dandelion Root, and Globe Artichoke. St. Mary’s Thistle is a wonderful protector & regenerator of liver tissue See page on ‘Liver’.
– Add carrot and beetroot juice to the diet. This is a wonderful way to support the liver.
– Adding lemon juice to fresh salads and juices will also help support liver function.

Support your gastrointestinal system:
– Eat heaps of yoghurt! Alternatively use a specific good quality probiotic product.
See page on probiotics.
– Use Colostrum powder – helps improve the immunoglobulin status of the gut.
– Take slippery elm powder in ½ tsp in yoghurt 3 times daily.

Always be positive and laugh more. This is great for the Imune system!!

All the above are safe to use while on chemotherapy but be careful if using powerful antioxidants whilst undergoing treatment as some can suppress the effect of the drugs which is not desirable if you have chosen to have this treatment. They are great to use once treatment is complete to help remove the chemical damage.

Magnesium:Calcium ratio

In my opinion, although calcium is obviously a very necessary element, in many cases calcium supplements are promoted with disregard to the fact that many people’s intake of magnesium is extremely low.

It is a situation where the promotion of calcium can lead to a calcium/magnesium ratio that is out of balance, i.e. calcium is too high.

If calcium levels become too high in relation to magnesium, symptoms of excess calcium or more correctly ‘calcium out of solution ‘will occur. Symptoms such as bony growths, hardening of the arteries or other cardiac damage…. leading to defective eyesight and hearing, gouty symptoms, arthritic symptoms and the possibility of urinary calculi.

People taking calcium supplements often have digestive problems due to the fact that calcium is very alkaline and if taken at meal time will effectively counteract the stomach acids that are necessary for digestion. To prevent these problems occurring, calcium should always be taken in conjunction with magnesium and taken away from meal times.

To check calcium / magnesium ratios, the best method I know of is to get a hair analysis done. This will show all your minerals levels plus some laboratories will give a list of relevant ratios and details on how to correct them if necessary.
See a Naturopath to arrange for this to be done.

Blood tests, on the other hand, are usually taken for serum magnesium levels and deficiency may go unnoticed as the bulk of magnesium storage occurs within the cells.

Also a warning… often the promotion of calcium supplements to women by various health organisations, disregards the chronic low in take of magnesium of much of the Australian and NZ populations.

Probably the safest way to supplement with any mineral is to take it in the form of Colloidal minerals as in this way all minerals are supplies in conjunction with all trace elements and therefore will attain their own balance.
See page on ‘Minerals – facts’ and ‘Minerals – why we need to supplement’.

Also remember that calcium can be obtained from many food sources, not just dairy products. Foods such as the following contain good levels: Sea foods, seaweeds, kelp, sesame seeds, tahini, almonds, brazil and hazel nuts, watercress, fresh greens, parsley, figs, black treacle, tofu, goats and sheep milk, chick peas, soy and kidney beans.

Cabbage poultices

Cabbage has wonderful drawing properties and is very cleansing. It therefore
can be useful in helping the skin eliminate toxins and remove any build-up of
fluids. It may also greatly reduce inflammation and swelling.

Cabbage is often used for the treatment of swollen breasts. Also is an old
remedy for sinus problems!

To make a cabbage poultice:

Take several fresh cabbage leaves and remove the rib or tear into medium
sized pieces.

Crush with a rolling pin to soften and release the juice.

Press gently against the inflamed area.

Cover with a piece of plastic and if using on the breast area, keep in place
with an old bra.

Replace with fresh leaves every 2-3 hours.

Continue to do this until all inflammation has gone.

Back pain – Quadratus Lumborum

Quite a name isn’t it, and one that doesn’t mean much to many people at
all. However most will know the pain it causes when it chooses to go into spasm.
This muscle has often been considered to be the most frequent cause of
low back pain
The Quadratus Lumborum can cause excruciating pain in the lower back when standing unsupported, walking, twisting, rising from sitting, turning over in bed, coughing or sneezing and can also be the cause of pain in the gall bladder area, the lower abdominal area or to the hip, which can range from an aching gnawing pain to a severe, sharp jab. I have seen several misdiagnoses of gall bladder or hernial involvement arising from problems with this muscle that have cost the sufferers many dollars!!

Because of its anatomical position, spasm of the Quadratus Lumborum can also
affect breathing.

If overlooked as the original source of back pain over a long period of time, other muscles of the back will become involved as will the sciatic nerve and pain can become constant and debilitating.

Sufferers will often complain of tiredness, heaviness of the legs, cramping of calf muscles and burning sensations in the legs and feet.

Happily, this muscle can be released relatively easily by a competent Osteopath. If combined with a general balancing treatment of the entire spine, relief can often be quite wonderful.
Make an appointment.

Don’t ignore back pain, it is the biggest cause of lost work hours in this
country and in most cases is easily treated. See page on ‘Back Pain – General notes’

Back pain – General information

Spinal pain is one of the most common health problems in the world.
In theory it is due to excessive stimulation of pain sensitive parts of the spine.
It can be associated with lumbar disc degeneration,
back trauma, disc arthritis, osteoporosis, ligament damage, infection and inflammatory type diseases.
However a large amount of the problem can be brought about by tight achy muscles that are the result of poor posture, giving rise to chronic latent acidosis.
Cigarette smoking also tends to aggravate back pain by increasing the ischaemia to the disc and by lowering the pain threshold.
Spinal misalignment is not always obvious if there is no back pain, and this can often be the case. Restless legs, cramping or hot burning feet at night can all be signs of spinal nerve impingement.

Understanding the structure and composition of the disc can give a better
understanding of what can go wrong. The disc consists of:
– A gelatinous central nucleus, comprised of 80-90% water with proteoglycans, collagen fibres and elastic fibres.
– The annulus fibrosus surrounds the nucleus. It is made up of concentric collagen fibres interconnected with adjoining vertebral bodies.
– A cartilaginous end plate that separates the highly vascular
cancellous bone of the vertebral body from the avascular intervartabral

Disc degeneration occurs as the boundary between the nucleus and annulus becomes blurred, with the nucleus losing water content and becoming more fibrous and fissured.

Inflammation further increases pain sensation by the release of prostaglandin E2 (which is known to sensitise the brain to pain).
GPs often prescribe the use of NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) which inhibit the production of prostaglandins. Similarly, more natural approaches are to suggest the use of Evening Primrose
oil or Fish oils which contain Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids,
which adjust the balance between those prostaglandins which control inflammation and those that prevent it.
In some cases herbal treatments can also be effective in this regard.

In many parts of NZ magnesium levels are extremely low and
this causes, among other things, excessive muscle tension. If the muscles are in a state of tension then no amount of massage or manipulations are going to help for very long, as the muscle will very quickly go back into spasm and pull the spine back out of alignment. The use of a magnesium supplement will often give a patient who has had continual back pain wonderful relief from spinal pain.
As an added bonus you will often find that the accompanying constipation and at times heart fibrillations that are further effects of magnesium deficiency will disappear.
See page on Magnesium

This is best followed up by taking Colloidal minerals in the long term as the overall mineral balance is better. See page on  ‘Minerals – facts’
and  ‘Minerals – why we need to supplement’.

Glucosamine can assist in supporting the health of joints and ligaments,
as can Green Lipped Mussel extract.  If taking either of these
supplements take note that they need to be taken over a long period of time for good results to be obtained. I personally find the use of Green Lipped muscle extract to be more effective in most cases than Glucosamine but don’t use it if at all sensitive to sea foods or if you are prone to getting gout!
Go to the On-line shop if you would like this product OR

Flaxseed oil is also a very necessary and useful supplement
if you are not already obtaining sufficient Omega 3 in your diet. Omega 3
improves the flow of blood through out the body and you will notice that the joints will move far more freely. A classic sign of Omega 3 being deficient in the body is the ‘clickyness’ of the joints, otherwise known as ‘crepitus’. About 1tbsp a day is necessary to correct this.

A further supplement that can be very effective where there is deep seated
nerve pain present (as opposed to a more superficial muscle ache), is
Vitamin B12. This needs to taken separately to a B complex,
preferably on an empty stomach in order to improve absorption.

However none of these suggestions are going to help for very long or as
effectively as they should if the posture is at fault. It is always of the
utmost importance to attend to postural problems. Any number of approaches can be made to correct this. Yoga, Alexander technique, Pilates can all help with posture or simply the good old fashioned ‘walking with a book on your head’ technique!

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment

Allergic Reactions – how to prevent them

Many people, whether they realise it or not, have unwanted allergy/histamine reactions. These can be severe as in bouts of hay-fever, or the occurrence of hives, eczema, dermatitis and yes, even anaphylaxis when reacting to certain foods such as peanuts, eggs shellfish and fish. Other reactions can be mild and often not recognized as been a histamine (or allergic) reaction. Such as the stuffy /flushed feeling many people get when drinking wine or beer, which can be a reaction to the additive sulphur dioxide.
We have probably all noticed that some of us react badly to mosquito and sand-fly bites whereas others hardly react at all.

There are a range of possible reasons for this anomaly:
1.  A low level of enzyme activity in the body. Food allergies have long been associated with poor digestion. The benefit of supplementing with plant enzymes has been documented in numerous research studies and is becoming increasingly more specific. Increasing the level of enzymes in the diet has great effect in reducing conditions caused by poor digestion, malabsorption, pancreatic insufficiency, lactose intolerance etc and given that an allergic reaction is the body’s response to an abnormal protein in the blood it follows that reducing this possibility will also reduce the possibility of an allergic reaction.

2. ‘Leaky gut syndrome’.

3. A low level of vitamin C and/or Bioflavonoids.

4. A deficiency in Taurine.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment


Ageing Skin

Ageing is a natural process, and the skin always tells a story. It shows quite distinctly how much sun we’ve been exposed to, how much sleep we get (or don’t get), how much worry and stress is in our lives, whether we have smoked at all in our lives and also gives an indication of what our diets are like and how much nutrition we are getting. The skin is a visible guide to the overall health of your body.

All the signs of an ageing skin, such as wrinkles, dry skin, thinning skin, age spots and varicose veins are preventable but once the damage is done, reversing it is more difficult.
However we can help improve some of the outward signs that show themselves on our skin.

Excessive bruising is generally caused by the cell membranes being too weak and therefore easily ruptured. This can be caused by a lack of Vitamin C or other antioxidants and in many cases lack of Zinc and/or Vitamin E, as both are required to enable cell membranes to heal correctly. This can also be the reason why marks from old skin damage remain after a number of years.

As you age, collagen becomes less elastic and the skin will appear less ‘plump’.
The skin also becomes thinner as you get older because the collagen portion (the main supportive protein of skin) becomes less.
However, you can take steps to strengthen the skin and the small capillaries beneath it by taking vitamin C and/or a high strength antioxidant product daily.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment







Acne – facial

Acne occurs when the oil that is produced by the sebaceous glands, which are located in each hair follicle, becomes trapped, encouraging the growth of bacteria that in turn multiply and cause the surrounding skin to become inflamed.
Acne tends to affect young males more than females as the male hormones stimulate the production of keratin and sebum, which lead to the pores clogging.
Obviously it is important to keep the skin extremely clean and free of excess bacteria.

Many other factors can also contribute to the occurrence of acne and when it comes to treating any acne condition I’m afraid correcting the diet comes first.
It is important to avoid all added sugars, white breads, fast foods, all soft drinks especially coke, and keep up the fresh fruit and juices as well as more fresh vegetables, brown rice, wholemeal breads etc.

Add lots of garlic and onions as they act as antibiotics and can help keep bowel flora healthy.
Try and buy organic foods to increase mineral levels or if this is not possible just supplement with extra minerals, especially Zinc.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment