Uterine fibroids.

Uterine fibroids are benign growths that can form on both the interior and
exterior walls of the uterus. They may cause no symptoms at all or may make
themselves a nuisance by causing heavy and too frequent menstrual periods, pain
on intercourse and fatigue. If left untreated, anaemia will result.

The growth of fibroids is generally accepted to be dependent on the presence
of oestrogen. Therefore they seldom develop prior to the onset of periods and
usually shrink after menopause. Sometimes no treatment is needed if they are not
causing unwanted symptoms, and especially if the patient is close to menopausal

Natural treatments usually revolve around reducing oestrogen excess and
regulating excessive bleeding.
Fibroid size will need to be contained or reduced.
Herbal extracts can be effective in doing both, depending on the blend of herbs used. Relevant herbs may be Paeonia and/or Chaste Tree plus Bethroot, Lady’s Mantle or Shepherds Purse which have an astringent effect.
Blue Cohosh can also be very effective, (combined with other herbs) and so can herbals containing Calendula and Damiana.
It would be best to consult a medical herbalist to find the appropriate blend.
Also be aware that if the fibroids are already overly large it may be un-likely that herbal treatments will be effective.
Contact us for advice.

Dietary considerations would be to keep to a high fibre, low fat diet as this
type of diet helps reduce excessive oestrogen levels in the body. It would also
be advisable to supplement with minerals to prevent anaemia and to help the body

As the liver is the main means for the body to rid itself of excess oestrogen
a herbal liver tonic is often useful. See page on ‘Liver – the facts’.

Nail Biting

In most cases the most probable cause of nail biting is mineral deficiency.
In a healthy body where sufficient minerals are both supplied and absorbed into the body, nails will be hard and glossy, not pitted or marked and will have to be trimmed regularly.

The best suggestion is to supplement daily,  long term with either 8-10,000mg of Spirulina or 15 – 20ml of Colloidal minerals.
Colloidal minerals work best as the Zinc level is higher.
See page on  ‘Minerals – facts’ and ‘Minerals – why we need to supplement’.

As it takes a little time for the body’s mineral level to normalise and the new nail to show the effect of the higher mineral levels, the results will not be instant.
It will take some months for the nails to start looking much different as it takes several months for the stronger nails to form and grow to a point that the new and stronger nail is noticeable.

Also nail biting tends be habitual and some effort may be needed initially to break this. However it will happen.

Remember that in times of sickness or stress the body is going to require extra minerals so use a little extra at these times otherwise you may find yourself having another ‘good ‘ole chew’!

If on going stress is a factor, then steps need to be taken to address this.
Try and take care of lifestyle problems the best you can.
Herbal treatments are often extremely useful where lifes’ issues can not be dealt with all
See page on ‘Anxiety’.

Prostate hyperplasia

As men age changes take place in the prostate gland, often by 50 years enlargement of the prostate gland is evident. The glands muscle fibres are replaced with connective tissue, which reduces the glands ability to contract and expand. Also the amount of seminal fluid produced by the prostate gland is significantly reduced.

The symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement) are:

1)   unusual difficulty starting and stopping urination, caused by the enlargement exerting pressure on the neck of the bladder.
2)   decreased force of the urine stream.
3)   increasing frequency of urination and
4)   often having to get up in the night to urinate.

If left untreated the condition will stop the bladder emptying completely and bladder infections can result. Complete stoppage can also occur which results in the urine having to drawn off.

The causes are a little unclear, but are thought to involve hormonal imbalance associated with ageing.

Also it has been shown that increasing zinc levels can reduce the size of the prostate and therefore low zinc intake or absorption may contribute to this condition. Increasing zinc intake is paramount to the natural treatment of any benign prostate enlargement, and is best taken with 25-50mg of vitamin B6 to improve absorption.  See page on ‘Zinc’.

The most effective herbal combinations would be ones that combined Saw Palmetto with pumpkin seed (high in zinc) or have extra zinc and vitamin B6 added.

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa) is a South American Palm which produces a berry from which the extract is made and has long been used to treat prostate enlargement, inflammation and difficult urination. Couchgrass, Buchu, Horsetail or other urinary herbs may also be added.  Pygeum is also commonly used for prostatic enlargement.

A combination that I have found to be very effective contains Saw Palmetto, Hawthorn and Nettle. I usually use this combination with Colloidal minerals to supply the necessary Zinc.

Feet – preventing smelly

If you are conscious of smelly feet, firstly carefully check the feet (including between the toes) for any sign of fungal infection. The skin will often look as if it’s dry and peeling but on becoming moist, such as when encased in footwear, will smell terrible.

Eucalyptus oil applied directly to the affected areas on a daily basis will clear this condition up (tea tree oil can also be excellent, but be careful to make sure that it’s not too strong as it can burn the skin). Be sure to also thoroughly disinfect all socks and footwear and also the bottom of the shower to prevent recurrence.

The New Zealand herb Pseudowintera Colorata or Horopito (Pepper tree) can also be very effective and can be found in several New Zealand made herbal preparations such as ‘Kolorex'(TM) Foot & Toe cream.
In some cases I have also found that the ‘Real Deal Hurt creme’ can also be effective as it contains a high amount of cloves.
These preparations can be ordered from the on-line shop.

Make sure that after every shower or bath the feet are thoroughly dried, especially between the toes.

If this does not appear to be the problem, look to the diet and to the condition of the bowel. A diet high in heavy proteins and a sluggish bowel are a sure combination to produce smelly feet.

Remember that a daily bowel motion does not always mean that the bowel is clean. It is possible for the wall of the bowel to be encrusted so that the body still absorbs toxins. In this situation greatly reduce the amount of heavy protein, especially red meats and cheese, in the diet and increase raw foods and fibres (you may have to add extra fibre in the form of psyllium) to improve digestion and help the bowel move more easily. Increasing oils in the diet will help retain water in the bowel and therefore clean it more effectively. Increasing magnesium will also have this effect. Yoghurt should be eaten regularly.

Aloe vera juice taken daily will help the movement of the bowel and can also help clean away the encrusted faecal matter on the bowel wall.
See pages on  ‘Bowel – improving action’ and  ‘Bowel – what’s normal’.

In many cases where these measures do not bring about the improvements looked for then a more specific probiotic (other than yoghurt) may be needed to correct bowel flora.
See page on Probiotics.

Taking food enzymes with each meal help greatly in making sure that food is digested fully and also greatly assists in cleaning the bowel. See page on  ‘Enzymes – facts’.

In the short term smelly feet may be can be eased by bathing them in cider vinegar and water.


‘How to improve my memory’ is a question I frequently get asked. Many people are also very concerned about the likely hood of other brain orientated diseases occurring as they age. Very scary!!

It is an area of health in which scientific research is continuing but still has to come up with reliable treatments. This is majorly because causes are so little understood and possibilities so varied.

Many people know of the benefits of using Ginkgo Biloba which very definitely helps improve memory. It works by dilating the very small capillaries and therefore improving blood flow through-out the body and to the brain. It does need to be taken daily and long term. Dosages should be kept at around the 2000mg per day of a standardised product. I have not seen any further improvement by using any more. In fact dosages that are too high may, in some cases where capillary strength is very poor cause capillaries to break and cause bruising.
Tell your doctor if you decide to take Ginkgo Biloba and choose a low dose product if capillary strength is weak.

The addition of Phosphatidylserine can further improve the action of Ginkgo Biloba. Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid which is known to enhance cellular metabolism and communication. It is also thought to protect the nerve cells from free radical damage and increases nutrition to the brain. Most studies done on the use of Phosphatidylserine have been done using either Parkinson’s patients or those with Alzheimers rather than with people with more minor problems, but the results show a definite improvement in name/face and name/place cognition, also recall of events from the previous day or week, and in ability to concentrate.
All these improvements I have noticed repeatedly in all persons using Phosphatidylserine and have been really pleased to be able to offer a product which incorporates both Ginkgo Biloba and Phosphatidylserine. Dose is one capsule daily. It is unlikely that the use of Phosphatidylserine will interfere with other pharmaceutical drugs.
Go to On-line shop for Neuro Max11

Ginkgo Biloba can also be combined with other herbs such as Siberian or Korean Ginseng. This combination has been shown to bring about significant improvement in cognitive functioning in many people.
The Ayurvedic herbs Bacopa and Gotu Kola (both often referred to as ‘brahmi’) which I have often recommended when people present in a very run down and tired state, have also a good reputation for improving cognitive function.
In English history Sage has often been quoted as to improve memory and brain functioning along side Rosemary. These two herbs are very easy to grow in New Zealand gardens and are pleasant to drink as a tea and to use in cooking.

Lack of sleep can also contribute to poor short term memory. It is important at any time in life to be sure to get adequate sleep.

Other factors that can interfere with cognitive impairment later in life are heavy metal exposure,free radical damage, long term emotional stress and nutritional deficiencies.
I would always suggest that mineral intake is increased and if memory continues to be poor (even with the use of Ginkgo Biloba and Phosphatidylserine), then I would definitely recommend the use of extra Vitamin B12, Omega 3 fish oils and a high strength anti-oxidant.
I have seen very good memory improvement with these additions.

Breast tenderness

Breast tenderness is generally accepted to be caused by an increased oestrogen to progesterone ratio (oestrogen excess/progesterone deficiency), and there are a number of factors that that need to be considered as to how this comes about.

It can be due to increased levels of the hormone Prolactin which is secreted by the pituitary gland and also has definite links with the Western diet and with bowel dysfunction. There is a strong association with a high intake of coffee, tea, cola and chocolate, all of which contain ‘methyl xanthine’ which can promote over production of fibrous tissue fluid. It is also associated with a high dietary fat intake.

Any intake of refined food and especially sugars will tend to aggravate the condition. Refined foods generally mean fewer bowel motions and increased bowel toxicity. This means an increase in production of prostaglandins (series 2) which are inflammatory and also of faecal organisms which can re-synthesize oestrogen from previously detoxified oestrogen. This further increases the oestrogen: progesterone ratio.
See page on  ‘Bowel – improving action’.

As the liver is the main site oestrogen clearance from the body any factor that interferes with liver function may lead to oestrogen excess. In some cases taking a herbal liver tonic will help ease the condition and as will following a ‘liver cleansing’ type of diet, as this is obviously free of all additives, sugars and refined food products!
See page on ‘Liver’.

Breast tenderness also tends to be more common in women who do little exercise, than in those who do more exercise.

Ideally the oestrogen/progesterone ratio needs to be corrected. If all care is being taken with the diet and there still remains a problem, supplements may be needed to help do this. Some herbs are very effective. One of the best would be Chaste Tree (Vitex Agnus castus) which exerts an action on the pituitary gland and is effective in bringing about a balancing effect on the oestrogen/ progesterone ratio. This needs to be taken over a period of 3-6 months to bring about a lasting effect.

Evening Primrose Oil has the action of a mild anti-inflammatory so therefore if taken in 3000mg doses as needed (usually two or three times daily) can be very effective in relieving breast tenderness. Evening Primrose oil works by decreasing the synthesis of prostaglandins (series 2) and increasing the synthesis of series 1 which are antiinflammatory.
It is interesting to note that Bromelain (found in pineapple) also has this effect.

Also vitamin B6 taken 100-200mg daily and in some cases vitamin E at 200-400 IU daily. These last supplements need only be taken when the tenderness occurs, often just during the luteal phase (last ten days or so) of the menstrual cycle.

Echinacea is known to ease lymphatic congestion and may help in some cases.


Cataracts are a clouding of the lens of the eye. Generally said to be a build-up of proteins, or of protein oxidation in the lens of the eye which gradually becomes crystalline and appears opaque, blocking normal vision.

They are usually associated with aging, however some possible causes for this happening are a large consumption of dairy products, specifically milk, by people who do not efficiently utilize the milk sugar galactose (also see below), which causes a deficiency of B2 (Riboflavin).

Also diabetes, heavy metal poisoning, stress, exposure to radiation, long term exposure to bright sunlight, excess free radicals possibly caused by deficiencies in Vitamins A, C, E, as well as Zinc and Selenium, and the use of steroids can all precipitate the incidence of cataracts.

The long term use of prednisone can also be a major contributing factor.

Treatments to prevent cataracts worsening – and possibly bring about an improvement in sight, would include the following:

– avoid bright U.V. light – wear sunglasses.
– avoid rancid foods.
– supplement with anti-oxidants such as Grape seed extracts, Maritime pine bark, Quercetin, Glutathione, Bilberry and Eyebright. Good results can be obtained by using relatively high levels of anti-oxidants, especially Quercetin (try about 400-800mg daily plus Grape seed and extra Vitamin C)
– Supplement with Vitamin A, 10,000-20,000 IU daily.
– Supplement with Vitamin E, 400 IU daily.
– Supplement Vitamin C, 3000 mg daily.
– Supplement with minerals – specifically Zinc, Selenium, Copper and Manganese. Do not take extra calcium, as there is research that shows that elevated lens calcium levels may occur subsequent to cataract formation. However all minerals are found nicely balanced in Colloidal Minerals (dose 1 tbsp. daily).
– Supplement with B complex plus extra B2 (10mg) and extra B6 (10mg).

Some sources of information also list Tryptophan deficiency as being a cause of cataract formation.

Also attempt to improve circulation to the eye. Herbs that have the action of improving circulation are Ginkgo Biloba, Garlic, Hawthorne and Dan Shen.
Flaxseed oil can also help.

New evidence is showing the importance of Lutein and Zeaxanthin in reducing cataract formation. Spinach (and other green veges) contains a good amount of Lutein. Egg yolks contain both Lutein and Zeaxanthin.

Food enzymes can help to break down the protein build-up, but do need to be used in relatively high doses. See page on  ‘Enzymes – facts’.

There is a suggestion that cataracts are due to high intakes of galactose (component of lactose or milk sugar) which is acted on by the enzyme aldose producing a sugar alcohol, which then builds up in the eye resulting in an increased water intake and seriously disrupting the electrolyte balance. This can result in a reduction in the synthesis of soluble proteins in the lens fibre.

A similar suggestion is that an excess of any sugar can cause an excess of sugar alcohols in the lens with the same results. One source said that supplementing with Quercetin can inhibit the enzyme aldose and help reduce sugar alcohol production but it seems a better idea to simply reduce sugar intake!


Cancer – general notes

I simply wanted to list on this page the general ‘What Not To Do’s’ if you wish to avoid getting cancer.
This is not a page on how to ‘Cure’ cancer, hopefully if all these guide lines are followed this will never be the case!
If need be however, refer to pages on
‘Chemotherapy – Boosting the Immune System’ and
‘Chemotherapy – Nutritional Guidelines’.

To Avoid the ‘Big C’
– Never smoke.
– Never drink alcohol, and particularly never drink AND smoke!
– Avoid being over weight.
– Avoid stressful situations as much as possible, if not possible look for support.
– Keep the diet high in all fruits & vegetables & particularly sprouted grains. These foods are all alkaline – cancer cells are known to thrive in acidic conditions.
Also research has shown that many cancer patients have lower levels of Vit C, D, E and some B Vitamins.
– Totally eliminate all processed, refined foods including processed meats.
– Totally avoid added sugars (also acidic).
– Avoid all additives – colourings, flavourings, preservatives.
– Avoid BBQ food that is charred & burned & fried food in general.
– Always cook in stainless steel or stone cookware & never in aluminium or non-stick pans.
– Avoid the use of Microwaves.
– Always drink lots of fresh filtered water.
– Avoid excessive caffeine.
– Avoid all chemical cleaners & chemical fumes of any kind.
– Be careful of cosmetics & soaps. Check the ingredients.
– Avoid un-necessary Xrays, scans or any invasive radiation technique.

On the positive side:
– Laugh more.
– Try and be in the company of happy, positive people that give you emotional support.
– Get daily exercise in fresh air (as opposed to polluted streets).
– Take time out.
– Grow your own vegetables and herbs.
– Cook your own food.


The term ‘hypoglycaemia’ means ‘under sweet blood’, and means that there is
lower than normal amount of sugar in the blood. This can result from over
secretion of insulin by the pancreas which can be an inherited condition, but
can also be caused by a poor diet that contains too much simple carbohydrates
such as sugars, alcohol, caffeine, soft drinks, white breads etc.

Insulin facilitates the transport of glucose from the blood into the cells and causes
glucose to be synthesised by the liver. If the pancreas (which produces insulin)
is not working properly then normal carbohydrate metabolism is not possible,
glucose is not synthesised and the blood sugar levels drop.

As blood sugar levels drop stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol are released to
prevent the blood sugar dropping too dramatically. This can cause symptoms such
as shakiness, anxiety, moodiness, nervousness, palpitations, sweating,
clamminess, dilated pupils, dizziness, confusion, in-coordination, fatigue,
blurred vision, headaches etc.

Refer to page on  ‘Blood sugars’ for further discussion and treatments.

Brown rice – quick,easy cooking method

This is a very quick, easy, nutritional method of cooking brown rice.

This method of cooking whole grain rice is quick, requires no long monotonous
boiling and results in a beautiful tasting light brown rice dish.
It maintains all the flavour and nutritional value of the rice. Gone are the days of stodgy,
wet unappetising brown rice dishes that appeal to nobody least of all

What to do:

– Put your whole brown rice into a dry saucepan (about ¼ cup per person).
– Place over a medium to high heat and shake continuously as you would if
cooking pop corn. The rice will start to ‘pop’ (just as pop corn does) and
become browned. It will smell delicious.
Continue to do this until all the rice looks either ‘popped’ or nicely browned.
Don’t leave the saucepan unattended as the rice can burn quite easily.

Have a jug of boiling water handy.

– Lower the heat and SLOWLY pour over boiling water.
(This is fun as it behaves a little like a geyser, so stand clear of the steam).
Pour over sufficient water to just cover the rice once the water has settled down to a quiet simmer.

Cover the saucepan and let simmer quietly for 5-10 minutes or until all the
water has been absorbed. Check for tenderness.

MUSELI recipe

High protein MUSELI recipe

1 cup of whole grain oats (not the refined kind) or you can use flaked rice if you want this to be Gluten free.
5 cups of shredded/flaked coconut
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup pumpkin seeds
½ cup sesame seeds
½ cup linseeds
1 cup broken cashews (if you can find nice ones, not old & rancid)
1 cup roasted peanuts – Or any other nuts you have. Walnuts can be good if they are fresh or slivered almonds.
The peanuts I usually roast while the rest of the mix is baking and then roughly crush before adding to the finished mix.
1 cup of dried fruit – Try to use organic fruits that do not have 220 (sulphites)on them.
I use organic sultanas and chopped sweet apricots.

Mix all the ingredients except the peanuts and fruits together in an oven dish.
Bake at about 180deg C, stirring frequently so that it doesn’t burn top and bottom, till lightly roasted.
Cool and then add the fruit and pre-roasted peanuts.

I do not add oil or honey to this mix but the fruit makes it quite sweet enough.
It is also  very filling. A ½ cup is plenty for a good breakfast and great with yoghurt and soy or rice milk.
It keeps blood sugars balanced and you will not feel hungry mid morning and feel the need to snack!

See also my quick, easy method of cooking Brown Rice.

Blood sugars

Blood sugar is needed by every cell in the body to create energy and if levels become low the result can be headaches,  depression/cryingspells,confusion,anxiety/irritability, drowsiness/fatigue and poor concentration.
Other symptoms such as sugar cravings, night sweats, excessive thirst, heart palpitations or shakiness after 5-6 hours without food and insomnia can also at times indicate a problem with blood sugar imbalance.
Keeping an even blood sugar level in our blood is critical to our well being. Levels can become imbalanced if there is an excess of stimulants such as nicotine, coffee, alcohol or Coke or excess of other sugars in the diet. Stress also can upset the balance.
See page on ‘Hypoglycaemia’.

The headaches associated with a sugar imbalance will often occur when the
blood sugar level in the body drops suddenly. People with this sort of imbalance
often have blood sugar levels that looks like a roller coaster, up for a short time then a sharp drop, this is when the head aches can occur, often combined with a feeling of confusion and fuzzy eye sight.

Fortunately for most people, changing or improving the diet will solve most blood sugar imbalance problems.
The first thing to do is to insure that all added sugars are eliminated from the diet and that
breakfast is never missed!
Breakfast should be a reasonable meal and not simply coffee and toast or a refined carbohydrate cereal. Eggs on toast is ideal! Or baked beans on toast! Alternatively a whole grain cereal which is high in protein (nuts, seeds, coconut etc).
See my recipe for a High Protein Museli. It’s great and very easy to make.

Keep meals small and frequent. Going long periods between meals can often result in the blood glucose level dropping to very low levels and this needs to be avoided.

This is just a snipet of what you need to know, so if you want to know more about this subject or have a personal question of your own, then please email me for a personal consultation, as all natural treatments are best if prescribed individually.
Cost and contact address are on the Contact page.
Alternatively, if possible. – make an appointment






Cytomegalovirus (or CMV)

Cytomegalovirus (or CMV) is a member of the herpes group of viruses and unfortunately like any member of this group has the ability to remain latent in the body.
It can and will return at any time the body becomes tired, strained, stressed or undernourished, in the same way as herpes simplex will repeatedly cause ‘cold sores’ or herpes zoster can reactivate as shingles.
Your best defence is your body’s own defence system in better shape.
See page on Cold sores.

Minerals are important especially Zinc, Magnesium and Selenium. However I
would recommend taking Colloidal minerals as they generally supply good amounts of all necessary minerals.
See page on ‘Minerals – facts’ and ‘Minerals – why we need to supplement’.

Lysine can help stop viruses replicating and is an excellent defence.
Take 500mg daily or 1000mg if the virus is active i.e. when there are detectable symptoms.

Vitamin C is useful but needs to be taken in large amounts to be effective against a herpes type infection. Take 2000-10,000mg daily.

All B vitamins are necessary to support the immune system as is Vitamin A and should be taken daily.   Vitamin A often also needs reasonably high amounts to be effective against viruses. Be careful to only take low amounts if you are pregnant.
Often extra Vitamin B12 is necessary and is best taken separately on an empty stomach to aid absorption. See page on Vitamin B12.

Many herbs are also extremely useful in boosting the immune system.
Saint John’s Wort and Lemon balm (Melissa offifinalis) have a mode of action that can be quite specific against herpes viruses.

Other very useful herbs for any viral infection are Echinacea, Astragalus, Phyllanthus and Reishi mushroom.

In the case of CMV I would also recommend the use of ‘liver’ herbals such as St Mary’s Thistle, Globe artichoke and Dandelion root, as CMV can affect the liver.
These can be mixed together as fluid extract  and taken at a dose of 3-5 ml twice daily.
Contact us if you wish to order herbs.

Do not under estimate viruses of this type. Be sure to avoid over-work and
excess stress of any kind and make sure you eat and sleep regularly. The body is
capable of keeping these nasties under control but you need to look after your

Up-dated July 2015

Herpes virus

Herpes Simplex is a recurrent viral infection affecting the skin or mucus
Type 1 commonly causes the fever blister or ‘cold sore’, which can affect the mouth, lips or the eyes.
Type 2 is usually genital and is usually transmitted venereally.

If a cold sore is present, then the virus, which is (Herpes Simplex Type 1)
is in its active stage.  It can be triggered by stress (change of location can be a stress to the body), exposure to sun and wind, and often by a drop in the immune status of the body.

One of the quickest methods of healing the sore once it has arisen is to apply 1 – 2 drops
of Lemon
Balm (Melissa officinalis) extract directly to the lesion.  Do this 1- 3 times daily.
Usually the sore will dry and heal very quickly.
Contact us if you need Melissa extract.

However, it is also best to take 500gm of Lysine 2-4 times daily to stop the virus replicating and to supplement with extra Zinc also to stop replication and to help the body heal.

Ideally, to avoid reoccurrence in the long-term, also attend to the immune status of the  body. Use herbs such as Olive leaf, St John’s Wort, Golden Seal, Echinacea and Pau D’arco.
Lemon Balm may be added to these if obtained as an extract.  Take 3 -5 ml twice daily in water for 2 -3 weeks.
Mushroom extracts (Reishi and Shitake etc) are also potent anti-viral treatments as is Vitamin A.

Also supplement with minerals – Colloidal minerals are excellent and contain all minerals needed to keep the body healthy.
See pages on  ‘Minerals – facts’ and ‘Minerals – why we need to supplement’.

See also the entry on ‘Cytomegalovirus’

Up-dated Jan 2017

Riboflavin – Vitamin B2

Tiny cracks occurring at the corners of the mouth are often
a very good indication that the body is lacking in one of the B vitamin group,
specifically Vitamin B2, otherwise known as Riboflavin. Other
symptoms of B2 deficiency are lips that become painful, tender or fissured, or
similar sensations of the tongue and possibly also of the inside of the cheeks.
See ‘Cracks at the corner of the Mouth’

Sensitivity to bright light, or eyes that are reddened, burning or tired
easily and also loss of vision at a distance can be further indications.
As can oily skin and hair with a tendency to white heads, which may occur predominantly on the scalp.
However I find that white heads on the scalp are more usually caused by a deficiency of Zinc.
See page on Zinc.

Vaginal itching and other sensations similar to having low blood sugar
levels, such as slight trembling, dizziness or sluggishness of movement may also

Deficiency can occur if taking the oral contraceptive pill,
undertaking a lot of strenuous exercise, if ingesting antibiotics, anti-acids or
alcohol and I suspect that high stress levels can be added to this list. Also
possibly a heavy intake of tea or coffee may influence absorption.

Vitamin C as well as B complex are needed for B2 to be able to be utilized

Vitamin B2 is found in many foods (dairy products, eggs, fish, meat,
poultry, legumes, whole grains,
avocados, brassicas, any green
vegetable, kelp, mushrooms, brewers yeast, etc
), so really there should
be no reason for a dietary deficiency unless the diet is extremely


Cracks at the corner of the mouth

Cracks at the corner of the mouth are often attributed to a deficiency of Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin.
If this is the case then the cracks will disappear very quickly once supplementation of this B vitamin is commenced and often where the deficiency is only slight the use of a B complex tablet taken daily will correct the problem.

The problem does indicate a diet that is deficient in foods containing B vitamins and ideally this should be rectified and not just reliance placed on supplements. Vitamin B2 is found in eggs, milk and dairy products, organ meats, sprouts, whole grain cereals, brewers yeast and green vegetables such as broccoli.
See the entry on ‘Riboflavin’.

They can also occur when the body becomes compromised in any way, allowing
certain viruses that are normally kept at bay by the immune system, to become active. Herpes viruses in particular can manifest themselves in this way. In this case, the course of action would be to work on greatly improving the immune status of the body and doing all things possible to rest the body before more serious manifestations can take place. It is a good warning signal that not all is well.

Supplementing with Lysine is an excellent place to start as it helps prevent further replication of a virus.
The use of anti-viral herbs such as Astragalus and Echinacea is also recommended, but mainly concentrate on rejuvenating the body with adequate minerals and plenty of rest.
See entry on ‘Cold Sores’